Great Western Hospital – Swindon
About this project
The Great Western Hospital is a district general hospital that opened in December 2002 on a green field site, replacing the Princess Margaret Hospital in Old Town, Swindon. The facility was extended in 2005 by the construction of a diagnosis and treatment centre that added 120 beds to the initial 550. The buildings lend themselves well to the changing needs of the Trust, with the most recent changes being the extension of the cardiac care facility and the creation of a ‘home from home’ birthing centre, both created within the existing hospital.
The PFI Concession (“THC”) is wholly owned by Semperian, managing the on-going obligations of the PFI project through a concession, which is scheduled to terminate in 2029. THC’s partner and principal building occupier is the Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which leases the premises from THC. The hospital was constructed by Carillion Construction Ltd and FM services are provided by Serco Ltd, who took over the contract in 2018 after the liquidation of Carillion FM. As part of its obligations, THC manages the facilities contract which includes:
- Estates management and life cycle works
- Catering for patients, staff, employees and visitors
- Portering, including mail delivery and collection
- Cleaning
- Security services
- Switchboard
- 24/7 customer help desk
THC is also responsible for purchasing utilities, and letting and managing the retail facility on the site. Since opening there have been many energy related initiatives that have led to a reduction in energy consumption, which continue to be a high priority.
The Trust gained Foundation status in December 2008 and THC works closely with the Trust to ensure that both parties’ objectives are aligned particularly in relation to the FM services supplied and the steadily increasing work required under life cycle to maintain the hospital in prime condition.
The Great Western Hospital is rated as excellent across all three categories of the Patient Environment Action Team inspectors (carried out by the National Patient Safety Agency). This assessment covers areas such as cleanliness, environment, privacy and dignity.

Ownership: 100%
GIFA: 66,000 squ m
Status: Operational
Concession Expiry: Oct 2029